1. What is the Institute for Applied Peace Education and Examination Research?

Peace is (also) an active process. The IAFP researches, defines, quantifies, and promotes peace actions in everyday processes such as language, education, leisure activities, society, politics, and matters of meaning. Together with educational and work institutions, we help to master exams and challenges with ease.

2. What courses and educational programs does the Institute offer?

The IAFP demonstrates ways in which active peace actions can simplify everyday school, personal, or societal (examination) life. The Institute's offerings include individual lessons, internal and external interventions, workshops, seminars, and courses, up to comprehensive study programs and vocational training.

3. How can I enroll in programs or courses at the Institute?

Our courses are available for booking both directly with us and at schools, universities, and training institutions, including online options. You will receive all necessary course materials and scheduling information via our contact form.

4. What research projects is the Institute currently conducting?

The IAFP focuses its research activities on practical, applied peace actions in relation to humans. Following research projects completed in 2023 in collaboration with music conservatories (including Joseph Haydn Private Conservatory) and specialist universities (including Health and Medical University Potsdam), current research primarily involves “Intersections of AI-supported Competence Acquisition and Applied Competence Performance in Everyday Training.”

5. How are the principles of applied peace education used in the Institute's examination research?

Since applied peace education, by definition, aims to proactively, non-violently, and beneficially showcase the competencies and strengths of individuals, communities, and/or countries, examination research considers a clearly defined, verifiable, and scalable application area of the same principle. Applied peace education is the path; examination research is a goal.

6. Are there opportunities for collaboration or partnership with the Institute?

Yes! Both peace education and examination research would be worthless if they did not lead to clear and quantifiable results in the “real world.” The Institute stands for practicality, relevance to practice, and active peace measures, and accordingly relies on various forms of collaboration and partnerships.

7. What resources does the Institute offer for online learning and distance education?

All courses, workshops, seminars, and training programs are accompanied and supported online. Most of them have a complete online version. Preparations are currently in full swing for our interactive, AI-supported online platform "Tune It Easy."

8. How can I participate in workshops or conferences organized by the Institute?

Once you have signed up for our information newsletter, you will be informed in a timely manner about all dates and events involving the IAFP in German-speaking countries. If you are interested in thematic or cross-border projects, please let us know via the contact form or email.

9. What role does the Institute play in local and international peace education?

The IAFP is increasingly involved in the university and school sectors, but also in working and adult education as well as retraining, to make the new approach to stress-free exam passing accessible.
In addition, we are proud to increasingly represent Austria in a thematic and content-leading role at the “Global Peace Federation.”

10. How can I contribute as a volunteer or intern at the Institute?

In times like these, committed people like you are especially important.
The IAFP sees applied peace education and Mental National Defense (MND in the sense of Article 9a of the Austrian Federal Constitution) as an essential contribution to peacekeeping in a world where, unfortunately, the use of violence cannot be ruled out. Accordingly, we appreciate your commitment to wanting to make an active contribution, whether analog or digital. Please share with us your possibilities, talents, and planned time resources. Let’s connect!

11. How does the Institute participate in shaping educational policy and examination standards?

In a time when skills and optimal performance are increasingly important, we demonstrate new options that can be implemented in the existing educational environment without much effort. Together with our partners, we go to schools, universities, and educational institutions and show people how to pass exams and face challenges without stress and fear. Naturally, we also cooperate with public authorities and ministries and dedicate ourselves to implementing applied peace education in the school system.

12. Are there special programs or resources for international students at the Institute?

The Institute places great emphasis on global networking (Global Peace Federation) and actively promotes international exchange. Therefore, all our programs are designed to be accessible to students from different countries and to be internationally beneficial.

13. How can I send feedback or suggestions to the Institute?

At our institute, it's about relationships, not rules! Accordingly, the Institute highly values the opinions and ideas of its community. For feedback or suggestions, it is best to reach us via email or our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you and strengthening this movement together.

14. Does the Institute offer professional development or certification programs?

Yes, our Institute has a clear focus in this area. The job market is changing, and it is crucial to include global peace education and examination research in every vocational training!

15. How does the Institute collaborate with schools, universities, and other educational institutions?

Together with our partners, we go into schools, universities, and educational institutions and show people how to pass exams and face challenges without stress and fear: analog, online, networked, global.

16. What are the main goals of the Institute in the field of international peace education?

Our primary goal in international peace education is exactly that: international peace education! For this purpose, demonstrating easily navigable paths and peace-promoting actions for each individual is as important as networking existing international networks. Our core motto, "For Right instead of Against Wrong," illustratively represents our endeavor to promote a positive and inclusive approach to peace education worldwide.

17. How does the Institute contribute to the de-escalation of conflicts on an international level?

Every major event is always composed of a multitude of tiny puzzle pieces, which together enable a view of the whole. For de-escalation of conflicts at the international level, the IAFP delivers, triggers, supports, and strengthens - simultaneously on as many levels as possible - such puzzle pieces, i.e., active peace actions, utilizing the internationally networked communities of the Global Peace Federation. The effectiveness of each peace action is determined by the activity of the involved individuals.

18. What strategies does the Institute use to reduce examination stress and performance pressure in the education sector?

The IAFP draws on insights from performance, theater, and film. Behind this is the life's work of Leonhard Kubizek, peace director and examination researcher, who was able to accompany thousands of performers around the world, enabling them to show their best performances when it mattered. In recent years, his methods have been adapted for use in general educational contexts. The Joseph Haydn Private Conservatory Burgenland played a leading role in this, and a joint pilot project with Leonhard Kubizek regarding the connection between artistic performance and examination performance could potentially open up new possibilities for millions of students worldwide.

19. How can educational institutions implement the concept of 'examination performance with ease'?

They have the opportunity to experience examination performance live or online at their institution/education facility. We come to you, and you can see the effectiveness on-site. The IAFP offers spot lectures or trial workshops, which can lead to workshop series, service facilities, courses, and even expert training and the creation of new jobs. It should now be a matter of course that every pupil and student can pass their exams without fear and stress!

20. Does the Institute offer special programs or resources for conflict regions?

Yes, the Institute develops tailor-made solutions and actionable, active peace scenarios, and peace actions for each conflict situation or region. Our success is not measured by our actions but by the success of our "clients." Our programs and resources are specifically tailored to the unique needs and challenges of the conflict region. We have been able to use our expertise actively in de-escalating conflicts and in participating in peace negotiations.

21. How can I participate as an educational expert or peace researcher at the Institute?

Every big and small peace action depends on the activity level of the people involved. If you have a concept, opportunities, or a functioning initiative for promoting peace that you consider implementing jointly with us, please contact us. Once we find common ground, we will develop our joint "course of action" and define the necessary framework conditions. It is especially important to ensure that the individual competencies and independence of all participants are preserved, to guarantee a pleasant, long-term collaboration.

22. How can I participate as a businessperson or investor at the Institute?

The IAFP is happy to work with you if you are willing to:

  • Take on social responsibility in the fields of education and peace promotion.

  • Accompany the establishment of a joint network and strategic partnerships nationally and internationally.

  • Promote employee development and talent nurturing in areas such as cultural sensitivity, conflict management, and stress management.

  • Contribute to global stability and economic growth through peace education and the reduction of educational stress.

  • Invest in education and peace promotion as fundamental elements for long-term social and economic development.

23. What role does cultural sensitivity play in the Institute's work?

Crucial in every form of successful communication, collaboration, intervention, and conflict resolution. Peace education naturally thrives on understanding different cultural norms, values, and belief systems. With the "language of peace," we aim to sensitize nuances in communication and also consider linguistic differences. Our daily work also requires a high degree of flexibility in dealing with different business and work styles.

24. Are there international partnerships or collaborations in which the Institute is active?

The Institute for Applied Peace Education and Examination Research (IAFP) is an active member of the Global Peace Federation. There are also ongoing cooperations with the "Future of Europe" platform and the human rights organization "Time Renewal," among others.

25. How does the Institute measure the success of its peace-promoting and education-related initiatives?

Our success is measured by the positive results achieved by our clients. We consider our work successful when our peace-promoting and educational approaches lead to concrete outcomes, such as the de-escalation of a conflict situation, real progress in peace negotiations, or achieving individual examination goals.

26. Can individuals or organizations support the Institute financially or through volunteer work?

Of course, we are very grateful for any form of support! It helps us to persevere, remain independent, and continue our work! Thank you very much for this! If you are able to support our work with a financial contribution, please do so via the following bank details:


IBAN: AT11 2022 1072 0004 5479


Please also include your name in the reference! Every amount is valuable and helps us continue.

For your valuable volunteer help, please contact us via email or through the contact form. We look forward to learning how you can/want to contribute to our common goal. We will then invite you to one of our coordination meetings where a possible further procedure will be discussed.

Of course, we are really very grateful for any form of support! It helps us to persevere, remain independent, and continue our work! Thank you very much for that! If you are able to support our work with a financial contribution, please do so using the following bank details:

27. What new jobs, career advancement opportunities, and industries are created with or through the Institute?

The world is in a time of dynamic change, where many traditional jobs are disappearing, but new opportunities are emerging. IAFP promotes an understanding of performance that is based on growth rather than competition. This opens up new perspectives in existing and emerging industries that are shaped by our approach to applied peace education, conflict resolution, and exam performance. By strengthening original “Human Intelligence” in direct, productive relation to “Artificial Intelligence,” new jobs and career opportunities are created.

28. What future visions and long-term goals does the Institute have for the global educational landscape and peace work?

Our vision is that in the near future, all necessary, learnable, and trainable steps for peaceful coexistence on this planet will be available to every human being and actively used. In the long term, we strive to establish the way education and peace work are globally conducted and understood in a measurable, sustainable, and beneficial manner for everyone.

29. What does the Institute understand by "Future Responsibility" and how is it implemented?

"Mastering Responsibility" is a key concept of our Institute and means initiating projects to bring together artists, business people, and those who want to contribute to a peaceful and secure future so that a momentum is created among the "optimists with experience"! Since “Dealing with the Past” is seen by many today only as a burden, leading to repression, trivialization, and desensitization, there is an urgent need for a new approach to the knowledge of what people are capable of doing to each other! “Dealing with the Past” as a victory of life! “Dealing with the Past” becomes “Future Responsibility”!

"Future Responsibility" ensures that people again believe in and invest in their cultures and traditions because they carry and guarantee the living, the true, the good, and the beautiful!

"Future Responsibility" ensures that people again believe in and invest in the good within themselves and others because only this carries and guarantees our strength, our identity, and our opportunities!

"Future Responsibility" ensures that people again believe in and invest in their Human Intelligence, their experience, and our common interests because only these carry and guarantee our future!

30. How can individuals and schools participate in "Future Responsibility," and what does the program entail?

The “Future Responsibility” program is open to all who can actively contribute to a positive future. It includes open discussion workshops and events - like the event by Leonhard Kubizek, peace director and author of the book “My Grandfather’s Hitler”. Participants learn about a world where mass influence, propaganda, and hatred arise, understand the power of art and culture, and recognize how incredibly thin the line between good and evil can sometimes be. The goal of this program is to establish a sustainable, modern approach to remembrance of victims while simultaneously creating new role models who proactively contribute to shaping a reconciliatory and peaceful future.

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